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There are many roles within User Office:


The Users are the visiting scientists who are applying for beamtime through proposals.

Main uses of User Office:

  • Submitting Proposals
User Officer

The User Officer is part of the Research Coordination Office and is responsible for managing the administration of the user program. This includes coordinating proposal submission, review and selection, preparing user visits to ESS for experiments and collating experiment reports and publications. 

Main uses of User Office:

  • Creating calls
  • Managing proposals
  • Coordinating review and selection
  • Impersonating other users
Instrument Scientist

The Instrument Scientist is responsible for the scientific and technical aspects of the instruments. They ensure that the instruments are properly maintained and are available for experiments. They also assist users in setting up and conducting their experiments.

Main uses of User Office:

  • Managing instrument schedules
  • Assisting users with experimental setup
  • Ensuring instrument readiness and maintenance
  • Reviewing and approving experiment proposals
Sample Safety Reviewer

The Sample Safety Reviewer is responsible for evaluating the safety aspects of the samples proposed for experiments. They ensure that all safety protocols are followed and that the samples do not pose any risk.

Main uses of User Office:

  • Reviewing sample safety information
  • Approving or rejecting sample safety status
  • Providing safety-related comments and feedback
  • Ensuring compliance with safety regulations
Internal Reviewer

The Internal Reviewer is responsible for evaluating the internal aspects of proposals, such as technical feasibility and alignment with facility capabilities.

Main uses of User Office:

  • Reviewing technical and internal aspects of proposals
  • Providing detailed feedback and evaluations
  • Ensuring proposals align with facility capabilities
FAP Chair

The FAP Chair is part of the Facility Access Panel (FAP) and is responsible for leading the review process of proposals. They ensure that the review process is conducted fairly and efficiently.

Main uses of User Office:

  • Reviewing and managing proposals assigned to the FAP
  • Assigning reviewers to proposals
  • Leading FAP meetings
  • Providing final recommendations on proposals
FAP Secretary

The FAP Secretary is part of the Facility Access Panel (FAP) and is responsible for administrative support during the review process of proposals.

Main uses of User Office:

  • Assigning FAP members to proposals
  • Managing FAP meeting logistics
  • Assisting in the preparation of review documents
FAP Reviewer

The FAP Reviewer is part of the Facility Access Panel (FAP) and is responsible for evaluating the scientific merit, feasibility, and resource requirements of proposals.

Main uses of User Office:

  • Reviewing assigned proposals
  • Providing detailed feedback and evaluations
  • Submitting review grades and comments