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Proposal templates

What are proposal templates?

Proposal templates are designed to capture all necessary information that users need to provide when submitting their proposals. These templates generally include questions regarding experiment details, objectives, safety considerations and required resources. Users fill in their answers to these questions in the predefined fields and submit their proposals for review.

User Officers can also utilize questions and sub-templates to customize proposal templates to include specific questions based on the nature and requirements of the research.

Proposal (viewed from the user's perspective)

How do I create a proposal template?

Step 1: Adding topics

  • In the main menu select Templates
  • From the dropdown menu, choose proposal
  • From the template page, use the Create button.
  • Enter a name and optional description for your new template.

  • This will bring you to the template editor. From here you may add topics which act as the different sections within the questionnaire that users fill out.

NOTE: It is good practice to utilize topics to split up the presentation of information for users. For example, in a proposal template you may wish to have a topic for addressing general information, another for support requirements and another for experiment details, etc.

You can add questions to topics by clicking on options and from the dropdown select Add topic. Topics can be reordered by clicking on the Reorder topics mode option. In reorder topics mode, you may drag and drop the topics into the desired order.

Step 2: Adding questions

  • To add questions click on options and from the dropdown select Add question.
  • This will open the question drawer which contains all previously used questions. You can Search for pre-existing questions through question text or by question type. You may preview questions in the question drawer by clicking on them.

Not all question types are compatible with every template. For example, sub-template questions can only be added to proposal templates.

  • There are several different options when adding questions to a template:

1. Use a pre-existing question

  • To add a pre-exisiting question to the template simply find it in the question drawer and drag and drop it into the template.

2. Edit a pre-existing question

  • First add a pre-exisiting question to the template. You can them modify it by clicking on it within the template.

NOTE: The changes you make to questions will only be updated within the current template you are creating. If you wish to make changes to the question across all templates click on the edit (question key) link at the top of the question.

Once you are satisfied with your changes, click the Update button to save the changes to the question within the current template.

3. Creating a question

  • You may also create questions from scratch by clicking on options within the question drawer and selecting the question type you wish to create.

How do I edit proposal templates?

Step 1: Navigate to the proposal templates page

  • To edit a pre-existing proposal template, select Templates from the main menu
  • From the dropdown menu, choose proposal

Step 2: Find the proposal template you wish to edit

  • On the proposal templates page, find the template you wish to edit. You may wish to use the Search function to search for the name or description if there are a lot of templates.

Step 3: Edit the template

  • Click the Edit action on the template you wish to make changes to. In the proposal template editor you can make the desired changes to the proposal template. See the creating proposal templates guide for more information on the proposal template editor and using questions

How do I clone proposal templates?

Step 1: Navigate to the proposal templates page

  • To clone a pre-existing proposal template, select Templates from the main menu
  • From the dropdown menu, choose Proposal

Step 2: Find the proposal template you wish to edit

  • On the proposal templates page, find the template you wish to clone. You may wish to use the SEARCH function to search for the name or description if there are a lot of templates.

Step 3: Clone the template

  • Click the CLONE action on the template to create a clone. Note: the clone will be renamed 'Copy of (name)' and will be edded to the end of the list of proposal templates.

How do I archive and unarchive proposal templates?

The archive system allows you to save proposal templates for future reference. Archiving proposal templates will prevent them from being able to be linked to calls or searched for in the proposal templates page.

NOTE: This feature is useful to prevent infrequently used proposal templates from crowding the User Office interface.

Step 1: Navigate to the proposal templates page

  • To archive or unarchive proposal templates, select Templates from the main menu
  • From the dropdown menu, choose proposal template

Step 2: Archive or Unarchive a proposal template

  • To archive a proposal template, click on the ARCHIVE action next to the template name. This action will send the proposal template to the ARCHIVED tab.
  • To unarchive a proposal template, simply go to the ARCHIVED tab and click on the UNARCHIVE action next to the template name. This action will send the proposal template to the CURRENT tab.

How do I import and export proposal templates?

Step 1: Navigate to the proposal templates page

  • To import or export a proposal template , select Templates from the main menu
  • From the dropdown menu, choose proposal template

Step 2: Import or Export a proposal template

  • To Import a proposal template, click on the IMPORT button at the bottom of the page. This will open the Import template page. From here, click on SELECT FILE to import .json proposal templates.

  • To Export a proposal template, click on the Export action on the desired template. This action will export the proposal template to a .json file which can be shared and imported in User Office.

What does #proposals mean on proposal templates?

  • '#proposals' refers to the number of proposals the proposal template has been utilized in.

What does #calls mean on proposal templates?

  • '#calls' refers to the number of calls the proposal template has been utilized in.